Great article! I am always being told I look more attractive with longer hair, combined with the fact that I have a round face and I am told it thins my face out. I grew up with the notion that a round face was ugly and I needed long hair to mask it's shape, so that is what my hyper self-conscious self did... for years. A few months ago - likely because in the midst of the pandemic I knew I wasn't going to many social gatherings - I cut it short "er." Shoulder length. And I liked it - I received only one compliment from a co-worker, though I wondered if it was partly because I had commiserated with her as to whether I should do it. It was OK though. I know I didn't look as attractive - something I objectively felt from gazing into the mirror, but I liked the ease of it, and the freedom I felt, as if it were a statement. Last month I got it cut an inch shorter than the original "short" cut and felt even more empowered to do what is best for me, not what is aesthetically pleasing to others. Very thought provoking (clearly)!