I can so relate to this and to every word you wrote! Thank you for sharing your experience and what helped you. I also found that internally knowing I could leave at any time helped take some of the self-inflicted pressure off and had a freeing effect. It's good to hear I'm not alone in these struggles - It's hard to gauge sometimes because we don't talk about them enough. I wrote an article about how I leave before I have a chance to fail in the workplace due to my anxiety (exaggerating but that's the internal feeling and what eventually drives me to level because the pressure I put on myself is too much). Even though on the surface it may seem like an avoidance technique, when things have boiled over to a level I can no longer tolerate, I know its no longer healthy for me to stay. It's sad how much we are affected by toxic people in the workplace. Best of luck for the next few months. You got this.