I could highlight every word of this. I've written an article about the shaming that can prevent people from rehoming when it is necessary and a rebuttal to that I Adopted Your Dog Today" poem that circulates the internet. I think you would appreciate both (under "About Me" in the pets section at the bottom if interested). I worked in a shelter and speak from that perspective. It is so refreshing to read from someone with a similar outlook. Personally, I have a very complicated relationship with my dog - one I write extensively about. She is behaviorally troubled and not the dog I assumed she would be. I stuck it out because I feared judgement upon returning her. I sufferered from significant depression for the first year + developing a relationship with her. Life with her was heavier than I was prepared for. I made it work, but perhaps for the wrong reasons. She will never be the dog I had hoped for and I'm still coming to peace with that 3+ years later. This is not to say I don't take amazing care of her and she lives a life as if she were my child. It's just hard and emotionally exhausting. Thank you for writing this, more people need to hear this message!