I’m So Tired of People Misinterpreting Intuitive Eating

I can’t even today, so I’ll make this short.

Elizabeth Eve
3 min readOct 22, 2021
Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

I just came across an article demonizing Intuitive Eating (IE), and it broke my heart. I shouldn’t have read it, but I couldn’t resist. I’m sitting here crying — literally shaking — after reading so much misinformation about an entire philosophy that I practice not only myself but as an almost certified IE counselor. I feel sick.

Dear undisclosed author: You may disagree with IE, but please don’t bash it and do a severe disservice to those of us who are trying to recover from disordered eating and find it a useful tool.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, but it is quite frankly dangerous when someone speaks as fact to something they have not practiced. Whether I agree with Weight Watchers or KETO, I would never denigrate them the way she tore IE apart with an angry vengeance. Not only do I not know enough about those diets, but I respect that they work for many people and to each their own.

Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and IE saved my life. Literally. It has been the only philosophy that taught me to eat again. People neglect to see how valuable IE is to someone recovering from anorexia and relearning to eat after losing all hunger/fullness cues. It’s not a



Elizabeth Eve

Forever a work in progress. Writing about pets, body image, self, and other reflections. Always written with vulnerability and authenticity.