Just to be clear - if you are quoting my comment I want to make sure I explain what HAES is, otherwise it would be a diservice to readers.
Health at Every Size is not body positivity. "Health at Every Size... helps us recognize that health outcomes are primarily driven by social, economic, and environmental factors, requiring a social and political response. It also supports people of all sizes in adopting healthy behaviors." - From HAES website.
I agree that there are certainly many health related conditions caused by being overweight, but looking at someone alone doesn't tell us anything about their health. When I was at my lowest weight people assumed I was healthy all the while my heart was suffering and my blood levels a mess. I thought I was living a healthy lifestyle. My brother is in an overweight body and has perfect bloodwork. He eats healthy and exercises but generically his set point weight is larger. It's not one size fits all. Genetics plays such a huge factor too, it's important to acknowledge everything that plays into weight. Look at Shannon Ashley with lipedema which she speaks so articulately about. She has a genetic disease and needs surgery before its even possible for her to lose weight. She is by society's standards very obese but her food choices wouldn't reflect her weight. You would never know that by looking at her. I am not trying to be critical or controversial because I am a walk on eggshells to not offend anyone but I thought it was important to clarify my comment that you somewhat based this article on.
Also, yes, you are correct. Being defensive about weight can indicate more severe "issues." I think the reason it worked so many people up was because many of us have trauma around weight that goes much deeper than just weight, plus the way overweight people are treated is systematically discriminatory. It's a bigger issue. For me, it was triggering because it is an issue I have worked on in psychotherapy for years but "issues" don't just get resolved and we suddenly move on to a healthier place. It's a lifelong journey.
Again, I am happy to agree to disagree and mean no ill-will. Just wanted to expand on my comment :)