Thank you so much for your thoughtful words. I feel a lot better now that I got this out. Millie and I have definitely bonded over the years… many behaviorists, agility courses, and she lives the life of my little princess. She is now on 2 psych meds (after many holistic treatments…CBD oil, acupuncture, natural supplements… didn’t help enough) which seem to have helped her anxiety tremendously. I could never fall asleep without her against my legs every night. I definitely love her but it’s been a hard road and some days I let that get me down. I really appreciate the reminder and will check out your posts! Thank you for letting me know about them. I am feeling much better about our relationship today — sometimes I take what we have for granted because I bring myself down with the comparisons. A therapist once told me that it is hard to bond with Millie because every time I look at her I see a reflection of the parts of myself I don’t like my impulsivity, which causes resentment. I thought that was profound and it helped me separate her from my choice.